Tuesday, January 22, 2008

[ Noakhali Online Group ] [Wsf_bulletin] 18th Jan - One week until Global Day of Action - be a part of this journey (resend)


WSF Bulletin

January 18th 2007*


One week until Global Day of Action – be a part of this journey

    1) In one week, Humanity will gather to show that another world is possible
    2) How to have the best experience using www.wsf2008.net
       a) Get updates with RSS feeeds
       b) Deleting actions and moderating content
       c) Placing, viewing and correcting your action on the map
       d) International and internet actions
    3) wsf2008.net as a collective space
    4) Creating memories of the Global Day of Action
    5) Help the media team by providing contacts of your action's organizators for interviews
    6) Around the world, hundreds of actions

* Due to some problems while formating links on the previously sent WSF Newsletter, we're re-sending this edition. Sorry for the inconvenience.

1) In one week, Humanity will gather to show that another world is possible

As the Global Day of Action and Mobilization in January 26th approaches, the number of participants in WSF 2008 international journey increases. Men and women from all over the world will take the streets, promote discussions, protests, music concerts, video exhibitions and several other activities to show that another world is possible and necessary.

More than 430 actions in 85 countries has already been presented in www.wsf2008.net. From human rights, to environmental sustainability, from photography classes and planting trees to actions against fast food chains and corporate power; from free software installation to parties, demonstrations and videoconferences, the World will demand the end of imperialism, sexism, colonialism and any kind of oppression during January 26th.

If you haven't presented your activity for the Global Day of Action and Mobilization yet, you still have time: organize your group or movement, set up an agenda, discuss your local issues and present your action on www.wsf2008.net show to the world your demands, proposals and ideas.

2) How to have the best experience using www.wsf2008.net

a) Get updates with RSS feeeds

RSS feeds are an easy way to keep track of updates in websites. Instead of visiting many websites to see if something new was published, you can receive updates from various sites in one place (that can be you email reader, web browser or even a specific site or software). To receive www.wsf2008.net updates via RSS, check the link "RSS Feeds" on the main page. For further information about RSS visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rss.

b) Deleting actions and moderating content

If you made any mistake when presenting your action, or if it was canceled, access your action page, then click on edit tab at the top of it, and at the bottom of the page you will find a delete button. If you want to create a new action in a pre-existent Action Space, click on Create Action on the right sidebar when accessing your action space.

If you found an action that you think has inappropriate content (take the WSF Charter of Principles as a reference - http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/main.php?id_menu=4&cd_language=2), you can warn the moderation team by clicking on "report" at the bottom of the action page and explaining the reasons you think this action is inappropriate.

c) Placing, viewing and correcting your action on the map

As the number of activities presented for the Global Day of Action keeps growing everyday, the red balloon referring to your action can sometimes be covered by another action's balloon. To see your action balloon, just zoom in the map to find the precise location of your action. You can also view all the actions in one country by selecting the desired place from the country list on the main page or using the "find action" button.

If you can find your action but still can't see a red ballloon refering to it, maybe you didn't placed it on the map when presenting an action. In that case, select your action and click on "edit" tab. Then scroll down to the map and click on the exact location of your action, then save the changes. The same procedure can be made for correcting wrong placed balloons. For further information on how to locate your action on the map, see http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/1730

3) wsf2008.net as a collective space

Wsf2008.net is not only a big board displaying actions edited by a few organizers. It can be a place where thousands of participants get together, meet by hundreds in action spaces and interact in several ways to collaborate around actions that they participate in. Making wsf2008.net a populated and lively site depends on you!

- Once registered users can "recommend the site to friends" (see on the right of the screen when visitin an action or Action Space page) just give their mail address and a short invitation;

- Registered users can access an action page (click on the map, or in the list of a country page, select an action through list or balloon ) then click in the "subscribe, join and contribute" and step in any action space.

- Any participant in an action space can contribute in it by posting comment on any document or replying to a comment (click on the "add comment" link at the bottom of the document);

- Any participant in an action space can send a message ( "create message") that will be received by other participants in that action space;

- Any participant can start a wiki, which is a page that anyone in the site can edit in a collaborative way. While editing a wiki page, do not forget to ask for being notified of the modification that other people can bring to the pages that interest you.

4) Creating memories of the Global Day of Action

World Social Forum journey in 2008 will be an international collaborative experience. Keeping the memory of this process alive will be very important. The story of this journey can be better told by their own participants. There are several ways to contribute:

- publishing images, audio and video files and news coverage inside related Action Spaces into www.wsf2008.net ;

- writing articles about telling the story of your local journey and publishing them on www.wsf2008.net - joining media group by writing to media@wsf2008.net;

- joining the world radio pool by writing to radio@wsf2008.net;

- joining the video producers team, by writing to video@wsf2008.net;

- joining the videoconferences and intercommunication team, by writing to intercommunication@wsf2008.net.

- publishing any multimedia coverage of actions that'll happen in your town in www.wsf2008.net or in other independendent media.

5) Help the media team by providing contacts for interviews

As the Global Day of Action approaches, media interest on World Social Forum 2008 journey grows and a lot of interview requests starts to arrive.

The communication and mobilization workgroup of WSF 2008 is trying to collect contacts of action proponents to attend this requests.

Please write a message to media@wsf2008.net including (if possible) a telephone number and email address of a reference person for media contacts and interviews. Don't forget to mention the action name and link on www.wsf2008.net.

6) Around the world, hundreds of actions

See below some snapshots of actions presented recently in www.wsf2008.net. You can view all the actions in http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/view/actions or a collection of snapshots in http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3783. You can also view a world map of actions on the main page of www.wsf2008.net.


- In Buenos Aires, the group ph15 will teach 30 new students the basics of photography as a mean of expression. Their work will be shown at the Las Vegas University and they will have a video conference with the visitors - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3232.

+ Actions in Argentina: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/253


- In Dhaka there will be a rally held by the shelter for the poor, demanding "Safe Shelter For All", followed by a round table conference - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3306 -, and a "National Seminar on New Liberal Economy and Development - Perspective of Bangladesh" - organized by the WSF-Bangladesh - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3542.

+ Actions in Bangladesh: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/4621


- A Festival having all the types of resistance as its theme, on the 19th, in Ottgnies - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3894. - In Brussels, an action against exploitation of people and oppression - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/4090. - Liège: Another Liège is Possible: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/4100 .

+ Actions in Belgium: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/689


- Attack the debt: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2878 .

+ Actions in Benin: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/2159


- The launching of a national campaign against discrimination - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3476.

+ Actions in Bolivia: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/4302


- Scream against Misery II in Goiania (GO) - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2987.

- Popular Marche of the WSF-Vitoria, in Vitória (ES) - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2972.

- Global Action Day – Antineolibral Circus in Belo Horizonte (MG) - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2916 .

- Public demo in Sao Paulo (SP): Social Movements Coordination is calling demonstrations all across the country - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2910. Also in Sao Paulo, a civil association aims to cooperate with the building of collective identity' sovereignty and create discussion spaces concerning Indian peoples - ttp://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3220 -, movements will discuss the situation of the Palestinians, who haave in 2008 their 60th anniversary of their dispersion - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3857 - and drumming sessions of the World March of Women - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3880.

- World Social Forum 2008 in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS) - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2840. Also in Rio Grande do Sul, there will be a debate concerning environment, urban and countryside reform - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3494 -, a guided visit to the Ponta Leste Island, a reservation area, identifying species and essences - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3507- and a cultural and political event - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3464 .

- In Itajai (SC), the campaign "Poetic Condom" will distribute 4 thousand condoms on the 28th, for a world without HIV - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3973.

- Cleaning the offspring of mineral water of the UR-07 Várzea, in Recife (PE) - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2777.

- Seminário Futuro da Amazônia. In Tabatinga (AM).- http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2752 - and a workshop on local traditional cousine - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3765.

- "Água, a fonte da vida" or "Water, the source of life", in Nova Friburgo (RJ)- http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2561. Also in Rio de Janeiro, a campaign for blood donation - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3969 - and cultural activities - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3904 .

- Women movements are organizing themselves in order to have actions in every state in the country. So far, the north has been mobilised and there are actions in Rio Grande do Norte, Para, Pernambuco and Roraima - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3482.

- In Fortaleza (CE), a procession for Water and Land as Human Rights - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3204.

- In Aracaju, an action is proposing to bring together all activist organizations in the city. They intend to have a Critical Mass Ride, as well as video projections and an installation festival - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3229 -, there will also be another critical mass bike ride during the night of the 25th and the morning of the 26th - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3949.

- In Maceio, on the 26th and the 27th of January there will be the 13th National Social Water Forum Preparatory Conference - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3354.

- In Brasilia, The Billion Trees Campaign, having "One tree for each human being on the Earth" as their motto, will plant a thousand trees and millions of seeds - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3386.

- In Bahia, the feminist collective "Mandinga de Mulher" will promote a capoeira circle together with other feminist and pro-environmental organisations - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3339.

- Belem, the host city of 2009 WSF, has a crowded Action Space with several actions on January 26th - http://www.wsf2008.net/node/3154

- In Natal (RN), the project Echoes of the quarter will bring workshops, music, poetry,sports, lectures, performances, etc. for the 4th time to the habitants of the capital of this state - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3853 - and distribution of pamphlets, walk and performances - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3878.

- In Mossoro (RN), there will be a big politic-cultural concentration one of the squares of the city - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3892.

- In Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, there will be speeches and cultural activities organized by several organizations.

- In Roraima, a feminist action is being put together - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/4053 .

+ Actions in Brazil: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/4235


- In Montreal, "Another Agriculture Is Possible" - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3715.

+ Actions in Canada: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/459


- What are the indictors of the Human Development saying?, in Barcelona - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2745 - and the Manifestation of the FSCat a Barcelona - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3019.

+ Actions in Catalunya: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/901

- The Chile Social Forum will march on the main streets of Santiago, making "thematic stops" in every corner - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3515.

+ Actions in Chile: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/558


- A Forum-Theatre is being organized - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3719.

+ Actions in Democratic Republic of Congo: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/73


- In San Domingo, an activity will be held in order to commemorate Juan Pablo Duarte's birth, who was the leader of "La Trinitaria" the organization that mobilized dominican independence. It will be a march at night to receive with candle light Duarte's day. There will be stops in historical places, where many artistic activities will be held, such as theatrical presentations, poetry, dominican-afro music, and others - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3993.

+ Actions in Dominican Republic: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/5613


- Keynote speeches and discussions (from 9 AM - 5 PM) on the current challenges and actors of social change; right to health; Egypt and the regional conflicts and wars (Palestine and Iraq). Exhibition (Palestinian folklore, Egyptian civil society publications, photographs, etc..) - Whole day. There's also cultural and artistic performances (Egyptian and Palestinian folklore) 6 PM - 10 PM. Contact: Hani Serag, Global Coordinator, secretariat@phmovement.org


- A press conference and a mobilization for the freedom of speech - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3717 .


- Towards a people's Maghreb: Challenges of the alterglobalization maghrébins.

- Marseilles - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2922 - and film projections. The whole evening is going to be taped and retransmitted online - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3394.

- Social Forum of Aubervilliers 2008 - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2818.

- Forum Social Départemental du Morbihan in Etel. - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2712 .

- In Gironde, military, economic, social and ecological wars will be discussed in order to find answers on how to achieve another world. There will be a forum, information projections and video projections - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3251.

- Manifestation and 4 hours of debates and cultural initiatives in Paris - h ttp://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3878.

+ Actions in France: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/226


- A constitutional assembly for the Galicia Social Forum and the divulgation of the International Meeting of the World March of Women that will happen there in October - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3874.

+ Actions in Galicia: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/5522


- Bautzen Social Forum - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2557

- In Berlin, there will be a discussion with Rodrigo Nunes, Brazilian journalist involved with the World and European Social Forum, and Corinna Grenschel, an activist of the Berlin Social Forum. Entrance is free - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3426.
The Berlin Social Forum will present a video DVD show on local and global groups - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3473. In Brandenburg, film projections and anti-privatization of public utilities will be discussed - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3460.

- In Plauen, there will be spontaneous actions on the subject of water - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3420.

+ Actions in Germany: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/975


- Rally against neo-liberal globalization. Greek Social Forum - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2860.

+ Actions in Greece: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/593


- Cancel the debt to free development - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/4096.

+ Actions in Guinea: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/5799


- Justice For Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, an activist who was kidnnaped in Haiti on August of 2007. The authorities having not made any official statement on the case, a protest is due to happen - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3960.

+ Actions in Haiti: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/2917


- Palestine Solidarity: Screening of a documentary "Palestine is still the issue" by John Pilger followed by a discussion with representatives of Social Movements, Political parties and journalists - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2980.

- Farmers' suicide and agricultural crisis: In Maharashtra, there will be various activities in different districts, which will focus on farmers' suicide and agriculture policies - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2978.

- Preparatory Mumbai meeting for the Global Day of Action and Mobilization - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2983 .

- Women's organization nationally in alliance with Dalit rights organizations and workers movement are jointly organizing a rally on issue of Women's right to Land, Livelihood and Resources and will engage in an Inter-movement Dialogue.

+ Actions in India: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/161


- As a follow up to the "Workshop on Global Day of Action" in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesian Peasant Union (SPI) with other social movements from the coalition Gerak Lawan (People's Movement Against Neo-colonialism-Imperialism) are now finalizing plans for January the 26th, the WSF. The idea is to have 2 days of action, so it would take place on the 26th and the 27th. There will be a wide range of social movements in the event: from peasants to trade union, women's groups, fisher folk, anti-debt activist, defense of human rights, youth and studentmovements, anti-globalization activists and small-scale enterprises.
- In West Java, there will be a national seminar or climate change - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/407 .

+ Actions in Indonesia: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3366


- Verona Open City: meeting on the Constitution - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2865 . - No War Festival a Lanciano - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2827. Screening of short films from the "Cameras on job" contest in Vasto - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2732.

- In Milan, the projection of the movie "SOMALIA FIELD PEOPLE, images an poetry from an unforgettable country" - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3547 -, a public assembly on the 22nd of January, discussing public services and their privatization - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3713- and a protest against the prohibition to enrol foreign children (with parents without regular visa) at kindergarten and in defense of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3869.

- In Macerata, on the 19th of January, there will be a concert dedicated to the rights of the Mapuches (Chile) people, plus readings and projections of images - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3376.

- In L'Aquila there will be a photography show at the public square, an extension of the "You Know That" on the solidarity economy - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3428 -, a distribution of postcards for the demilitarization of Mount San Cosimo - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3424- and a meeting on the project "A Flower to Antsirabè" will take place on the 25th of January. The project is aimed at international co-operation in aid of Madagascar - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3418 - and "The National Service: a Choice for Peace" on the 24th of January - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3412.

- In Valle d'Aosta, from January 23th until January 30th, there will be discussions, exhibitions, workshops and conferences - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3370.

- In Barletta, the celebration of the 63rd anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, dedicated to the historic memory - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3356.

- In Florence, an Art exhibition and theatre on the 26th and the 27th - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3741 -, a concert plus dinner - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3750-, the screening of the movie "Sicko" - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3767 -, a party in support of action for Gays and Lesbians - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3781 - and discussions from the 21st until the 26th of January - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3794. Also in Florence, a debate on authors' rights - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3810.

- In Padova, a space for exchanging ideas - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3822 - and a concert - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3827 .

- In Foggia, an act against the privatization of the water - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3797 .

- In Rome, a campaign for the end of the siege in Gaza - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3803 - and a conference on working conditions - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3818 .

- In Veneto, movie screening and an antifacist congress - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3833 .

- In Siena, on January 25th, there will be Italian language classes of migrants - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3837 -, a movie projection - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3839 - and, on February 3rd, the distribution of the WSF call at a stadium.

- In Colle di val d'Elsa, there will be a rock'n'roll concert - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3843. In Monteroni, the screening of "Trevirgolaottantasette" - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3847.

+ Actions in Italy: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/138


- In Beirut, representative of the Permanent Peace Movement, Na-am (Nahwaal-Muwatiniya), Peace Initiatives and of the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), brings together 30 NGOs and nine national networks from 12 Arab countries active in the fields of social development, human rights, gender and the environment. They will propse several actions. One of them will be a conversation abour Youth Participation and Dialogue Empowerment - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3808.

+ Actions in Lebanon: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/114


- In Casablanca, from January 25th until the 27th, there will be several political and cultural activities organized by the WSF-Maroc committee - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3254.

+ Actions in Marocco: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/1921


- Global Action Week in Jalisco, Guadalajara. Multithematic self-organized activities by different groups- http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2937.

+ Actions in Mexico: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/399


- In Maputo, there will be a march on the 24th in defense of the peasants' rights - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3997.

+ Actions in Mozambique: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/5631


- Bondage in global economy, in Punjab - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2718 - and "Nuclear Free Visa Free South Asia" - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2536.

+ Actions in Pakistan: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/233


"On with the Struggle!": Jobs and Justice, Land and Freedom Now!": Global Week of Action in the Philippines - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2806.

+ Actions in Philippines: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/2143


- Act for awareness-raising on the medicine herbal patent , Costa da Caparica. Costa da Caparica - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2849.

+ Actions in Portugal: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/680


- The Puerto Rico Social Forum is organizing an action for "A city and a country for all": http://www.forosocialpuertorico.org/


- Durban's WSF Festival for Social Change. Durban, Diakonia Centre. http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2844.
- African Jewish people will discuss the dispersion of two groups: Falashas and the Lemba and celebrate their roots on January - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3441.

+ Actions in South Africa: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/405


- Global Week of Action Events in Korea - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/1737.

+ Actions in South Korea: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/507


- A "Forum of Local Authorities" will take place in Malaga, on January 24th, in order to discuss sustainable development, culture, education, public space, and many other issues. During the evening, there will be a debate between representatives of the WSF and local authorities - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3407.

- In Mallorca, the Mallorca Social Forum will hold several activities - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3324.

- In Calamanca, the play Pan con Pan will be represented - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3458.

- In Vitoria-Gasteiz, the projection of a movie - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3534 -, a discussion on anti-neo-liberalism - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3536 - and a conversation with Carlos Taibo on what anti-globalization movements are proposing right now http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3531.

+ Actions in Spain: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/59


- Drop in for the climate and fairness. In Ludvika - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2728.

- In Mälmo, a network of people will be built in order to mobilize for the European Social Forum, as well as workshops, group discussions and film projections - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3498.

+ Actions in Sweden: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/847


- Promoting Human Rights Accountability. Human Dignity and Human Rights Caucus. - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2878.

+ Actions in Switzerland: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/1008


National meeting on: Promotion of Community Action on Addiction. It will be conducted on Jan 28 (as 26 of January is holiday in our region). The meeting will remark the day and will focus on NGOs as well as community empowerment on addiction community problem and how to prevent it at national level including Challenges and resources. It will be organized by Syrian PHM Circle, Alyarmouk Syrian Society, and Damascus Physician Syndicate with participation of ministry of interior and ministry of health. Contact: afodafro@aloola.sy

+ Actions in Syria: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/3065


- Attack the debt: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/4098.

+ Actions in Togo: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/5801

In the UK:
- 'Zionism, Ethnic Cleansing and the Way Forward for Palestine'. Edinburgh - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2838.

+ Actions in the UK: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/617

In the USA:

- Santa Cruz Media Strategy Summit. To be held January 25-27, 2008, Santa Cruz, California. http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2942

- Michigan and the World Social Forums: to learn more about the World Social Forums and the U.S. Social forum - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2917.

- Social Justice in South Florida/Justicia Social en Sur de la Florida: This event brings activism and local activism to FAU's Davie Campus - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2914.

- ICAN: Imagine Change, Act Now: On the 30th in New York a coalition of faculty and students at Adelphi University will hold a dialog among all student groups on campus to build coalitions for social justice work - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2901.

- Reclaiming Our Land: Historical Black Overtown community will hold a Land Naming Ceremony in community with other organizations and individuals after winning a multi-year battle against corporation and local government - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2885.

- In Washington DC, Jobs with Justice is organizing an event that should start with a Strategy Session, followed by a Celebration and a Potluck dinner - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3444. - In Atlanta, the annual "Poor People's Day" event will be a march around the public sector sites - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3446.

- In Orlando, Florida, Jobs with Justice from north Texas will speak out on all of the organization's principles strengthening the fight of 2008 - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3439.

- In Central Florida, Jobs with Justice will hold an info picket and delegation to Winn-Dixie in support of the Justice @ smithfield Campaign - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3436. Also in Florida, students and farmers will protest against Burger King restaurants - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3335.

- In San Francisco, California, there will be a "Really Really Free Market", a place for sharing - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3469 -, a picket and rally proposing general boycotting Western Union until it adopts a Transnational Community Benefits Agreement (TCBA) - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3947 -, and Bay Area social movement organizations, coalitions and alliances are coming together to demand justice for displaced peoples throughout the world - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/3955.

- In Kentucky, a protest for the resolution declaring Bush and Cheney Personas Non Grata in the Metro Louisville area, to be arrested and extradited to the Hague for War Crimes - http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/4059.

+ Actions in the USA: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/217


- Intercommunication between participants in local social forums.- http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/node/2575.

- International calls and actions: http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/2296

- Virtual actions in "Internet Country": http://www.wsf2008.net/eng/place/794

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Address: Rua General Jardim, 660, 7th floor, São Paulo - SP- Brasil, Zip Code: 01223-010
Website: www.forumsocialmundial.org.br

WSF Bulletin
Translation/Collaboration: Judith Hitchman, Diego Azzi and Marcella Alves

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