Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Re: [ Noakhali Online Group ] Ariful..............

im sorry.....i don't have anything else.......except this painting.......if u wanna keep then......u will have to keep this one........

From: Nil Olin <nizumdip@yahoo.com>
To: Noakhali@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 7:38:26 AM
Subject: [ Noakhali Online Group ] Ariful..............

Dear Ariful,
Nice painting...

Can you please give me some more details of the painting.. i.e. name of painter, country, list of scholars....... Most importantly if you can send me same painting with better resolution. I wish to have a printing of the painting (6 feet X 4 feet) which required better resolution


Nil Olin

--- On Sat, 5/9/09, ariful Zobayer <ariful_zobayer@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: ariful Zobayer <ariful_zobayer@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ Noakhali Online Group ] All World Famous Men in one Single Photograph
To: greater_noakhali@yahoogroups.com, noakhali@yahoogroups..com, shadeshi_bondhu@yahoogroups.com, "parvaz bai coxwell kamrul" <khparvaz@yahoo.com>
Date: Saturday, May 9, 2009, 10:54 PM